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I was born in Pärnu, in June 1986. Since my early childhood I did skatches and drawings all the time.
In 2011 I sucessfully graduated from Tallinn University and got Master diploma in Art teaching.
I illustrate books, do art classes in kindergarten and from time to time participate in art exhibitions.
“Lugu raamis”, kohvik NOP (2018)
“Lugu raamis”, Nordea kontserdimaja (2017)
“Ühes suunas”, Vaba Lava, Telliskivi Loomelinnak (2017)
“Nimeta”, Kochi aidad (2016)
“365 suvepäeva”, Õpetajate maja (2015)
“Näitus number 5”, Kochi aidad (2014)
“Momendid tüdrukute elus”, Nordea kontserdimaja (2013)
“Kohvikevad”, kohvik Peterson (2013)
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